2013-10-07 10:31:50
Gillette gets the highest rank in the industry
2013-10-07 10:31:50
Fast-moving consumer goods don't have much staying power when it comes to brand equity, according to a new study by Interbrands. The results are in on the 2013 Best Global Brands ranking and Gillette was highest ranked brand in the household and personal products industry at No. 16. Other companies that cracked the Top 100 include: L'Oréal (39), Colgate-Palmolive (50), J&J (81) and Avon (87).
When determining the top 100 most valuable global brands, Interbrand examines three key aspects that contribute to a brand’s value:
The financial performance of the branded products or service
The role the brand plays in influencing consumer choice
The strength the brand has to command a premium price, or secure earnings for the company
For the first time in the 14-year history of the awards, there's a new No. 1, as Apple replaced Coca-Cola in the top spot.
“Every so often, a company changes our lives—not just with its products, but with its ethos. This is why, following Coca-Cola’s 13-year run at the top of Best Global Brands, Apple now ranks No. 1,” said Jez Frampton, Interbrand’s CEO. “Tim Cook has assembled a solid leadership team and has kept Steve Jobs’ vision intact—a vision that has allowed Apple to deliver on its promise of innovation time and time again.”
In contrast, the household and personal products industry has been going through a dry spell of late. While P&G's Tide Pods brought single-use packets to the masses, it hasn't done all that much to move the US detergent industry sales needle. Meanwhile, while the cosmetics industry continues to roll out an alphabet soup of products; i.e, BB CC, there really hasn't been a blockbuster since alphahydroxy acids hit the shelves in the 1990s.