2014-01-26 10:56:04
Smooth Moves
2014-01-26 10:56:04
Acidic diets have been linked to obesity, cancer, diabetes and arthritis—not to mention a problem complexion. However, a new beauty supplement by way of water is the latest creation claiming to solve skin care woes. Smooth 8 Cleansing Water Drops is said to neutralize acids, resulting in smoother skin as well as other health benefits.
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According to the company’s creator and chief marketing officer, Kevin Suttle, Boston, MA, “Clear skin is a byproduct of the detoxification process. Once the stored acids and toxins are removed, you will see a major reduction in skin blemishes. Smooth 8 Cleansing Water, a revolutionary alkalizing system, clears your skin by removing acids and toxins. It also purifies water, boosts your energy, stimulates weight loss and kills the acidity in any beverage.”
Daily care suggests between 20 drops per day, up to up to 60 drops per day for best results; the product is sold in a one-ounce, 600-drop bottle.
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“Most people have no idea that the water and other beverages they drink are dangerously acidic,” added Suttle. “Our cleansing water is a safe, easy way to protect your health, boost your energy and improve the taste of your beverages.”
So, why did Suttle create a liquid beauty supplement? He told Happi, “I have always been very interested in maintaining good health, as I strongly believe that preventative care is the best care. We wanted to develop a product that was easy to use and would help people to cleanse their bodies of excess acidity, harmful toxins, help them manage their weight and hopefully inspire them to start living healthier lives. We partnered with a chemist from MIT and, after much trial and error, we were able to develop our Smooth 8 product.”
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Smooth 8 Cleansing Water also has a pH balance of 9.9, which neutralizes acidity at its source and helps relieve the symptoms of acid reflux, heartburn and other ailments caused by acid buildup, added Suttle. It also has antioxidant properties that help eliminate free radicals, which are due to our exposure to toxins in the environment.
“Free radicals damage our cells and are a primary cause of aging skin,” Suttle said. “Cigarette smoke, air pollution and alcohol consumption all generate free radical production in our bodies. Our food and water also harbor free radicals in the form of pesticides and other toxins.”
Future plans for the company are also aquatic-related.
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“Our long-term goal is to set up water purification plants, using our proprietary technology to bring clean water to those who need it most,” explained Suttle.