2015-03-10 09:41:40
CEW Goes Global
2015-03-10 09:41:40
Cosmetic Executive Women (CEW), a non-profit, professional organization for beauty industry executives, has announced that it will become a global organization by integrating local CEW chapters in the UK and France with the founding U.S. organization.
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CEW’s mission is to create a forum of collaboration, idea exchange and professional development to help its members, and the beauty industry as a whole, take empowered steps towards the future.
The integration of the France Chapter founded in 1986 with 460 members, and UK chapter founded in 1992 with 1,030 members, will add 1,490 members to the U.S. organization, bringing CEW membership to almost 8,000 worldwide.
All CEW members internationally will now have the opportunity to be a part of CEW Member Connect, CEW’s first-ever social media hub that enables them to connect directly with their peers across the globe. Members can instantly find and connect with industry professionals through the new interactive directory, join special interest discussion group communities to exchange ideas, or participate in CEW’s on-line mentoring program, MentorMatch.
“Beauty is truly a global business and it makes sense for our membership to be international, especially with the recent launch of CEW Member Connect, which provides them with a tool to easily connect with one another. We are thrilled to have the UK and France chapters of CEW take part in all of the great offerings of the founding U.S organization,” says Carlotta Jacobson, president of CEW. “Becoming a global organization will enable us to accelerate CEW’s growth worldwide and all members will reap the benefits.”
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All of CEW’s global members will now have access to proprietary information and content, including access to industry influencers and thought leaders through video interviews, proprietary trend reports and research studies. They will also receive access to the CEW Beauty Insider website, which provides exclusive industry news, updated daily along with its bi-weekly newsletter that delivers the latest trends, executive and retail beauty stories.
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